Governing Body​

The Governing Body is chaired by the president and has many dynamic members with equal gender representation. The members meet every quarter and discuss the progress of various programs of SOUL and find solutions to major issues impacting the programs. The governing body consists of the following members:

Ramnish Tangri, Founder President

An IIT alumnus, Ramnish is an unassuming and sensitive person. He has been working with marginalized sections of the society to elevate them economically and socially for over two decades. He informally initiated the SOUL programs in 2012. As more supporters joined his initiatives, it led to the formation of Society of Universe Lovers (SOUL) in September 2013. It is his commitment to mankind that even after working in a job full-time, he finds time to manage the organization with the help of the core team and volunteers. He says, “If we manage our time judiciously and don’t waste it on frivolous activities, we can get time for social pursuits.”

Narender Kumar, Vice President

One can crib, complain and be in despair about one’s current situation or one can be optimistic, act and help make the world a better place. The choice is our own and Narendra made the right choice by contributing towards educating the under-privileged children. A young successful entrepreneur, philanthropist, budding photographer and traveler, he is very serious when it comes to improving the education standards of SOUL School. He says that he is motivated by the smiles that light up the faces of these children.

Rakhi Mittal

Rakhi Mittal wears many caps. She is a housewife, environmentalist, teaches natural farming techniques, spiritual mentor and many more. She is very compassionate and is self-driven to help poor kids and women.

Pooja Bohra, General Secretary

Pooja can be a role model for youngsters. While savoring the best things of life, she is very passionate about helping the under-privileged children. She confidently fights prejudices against girl child. It’s amazing to see how Pooja manages her full-time job in a production house and yet finds time to devote to the various activities of SOUL. She says, “For me SOUL is an expression of my love for the universe. The time spent in social initiatives rejuvenates me and I am able to do better justice to my official duties.”

Sneha Srivastava, Joint Secretary

Sneha is another empowered woman forming the governing body of SOUL. Her laid-back approach to life can deceive others of the dynamism she possesses. After doing her MBA from IMS Ghaziabad, she floated an HR firm, Hiring Partners HR Solutions Pvt. Ltd, in partnership with her husband, Rudra Prasad Mahapatra. Both worked very hard over the years to establish the firm and opened branches in different metropolis in India. Sneha is very passionate about social work and her major focus areas are educating under-privileged children and providing a nutritious meal to them daily.

Babli, Treasurer

Babli is a jewel, sparkling with refinement caused by struggles in her early years. She lost her father when she had barely crossed her teens, and there was no earning member in her family to provide for the household expenses. She took the onus onto herself to feed and support her family. Coming from such a challenging background, she established herself as a woman of substance by becoming a successful entrepreneur. Today, she is the owner of two popular salons in Delhi. She manages to take out time for SOUL activities between looking after her business, her family and her two-year old son. A humanitarian to the core, she never misses an opportunity to help a person in need.